5 Ways To Make Your Tennis Bracelet Last For Ages

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1 – Clean it

The first item on the list is to clean your tennis bracelet. There are many ways to do this and many products you can use. We recommend using a soft, lint-free cloth and a soft toothbrush for getting into cracks and crevices of the bracelet. Do not use any harsh chemicals or materials that could damage the metal, like bleach or abrasives.

Exposure to extreme temperatures will also affect your bracelet’s longevity, so make sure you don’t leave it out in direct sunlight or near an open flame! Another thing to keep in mind is that some people prefer not to wear their bracelets while they’re doing strenuous activity (like playing tennis). If this sounds like you, we suggest taking yours off before exercising and then putting it back on afterward so as not to damage it further by exposing it too frequently during these times when its durability may already be compromised due to normal wear and tear (see below).

2 – Store it properly

It’s important to store your tennis bracelet properly. While the bracelets are made of strong materials and will withstand some damage, they can still easily be damaged if they aren’t stored properly.

The first thing you want to do is make sure that you keep it in a cool, dry place. Don’t leave it out on the counter top or in direct sunlight. This increases the chances of your bracelet getting damaged over time due to heat or moisture exposure.

Next, try storing your tennis bracelet in a soft pouch or box when not wearing it so that it doesn’t get broken or scratched up by other jewelry items in your drawer/box/safe where you keep your stuffs!

3 – Keep it away from other jewelry

  • Keep it away from other jewelry: Don’t store it with other jewelry and don’t wear it with other jewelry.
  • Don’t wash it with other jewelry: It’s very important that you do not let your tennis bracelet come into contact with any other pieces of jewelry when washing.
  • Don’t put it in the same box as other jewelry: This is because the metal may scratch or damage each piece, especially if they are all made of similar materials such as gold, silver or bronze.

4 – Don’t wear it while exercising or doing chores

4 – Don’t wear it while exercising or doing chores

If you want your tennis bracelet to last, then taking it off while exercising, gardening and other physical activities is important. The sweat on your wrist can make parts of the bracelet tarnish faster than you might think. To ensure that your tennis bracelet stays at top condition, take it off before any kind of physical activity and store it in a safe place until you can put them back on again.

5 – Get it appraised

  • Get it appraised. You should get your jewelry valued every five years, if not sooner. This is particularly important if you have an insurance policy, as many policies stipulate that the value of your pieces must be appraised at least once a year. If you don’t yet have an insurance policy for your valuables (and trust us, you should), then consider getting one. The cost is minimal and can save you a lot of money and heartache in the long run! Plus, it’s always good to know what something is worth in case something happens to it or if you want to sell it later on down the road—insurance companies will often offer more money than they would otherwise because they know there’s a way back into their pocket!
  • Inherited pieces: Get them appraised immediately! We’re talking right now before anything else happens!

You can make your tennis bracelet last longer!

You can make your tennis bracelet last longer!

Do not wear it in the shower. Do not wear it while exercising. Do not wear it while doing chores.

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